Table of Contents - continued
PART 3: Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Calls to Administrative Leadership
Chapter 13
Yesterday and Today: Universities and the Growth of the Market Model
Howard Woodhouse, Higher Education Theorist and Policy Analyst, University of Saskatchewan
Chapter 14
A Postcard from the Belly of the Beast
Janice Ristock, Women's and Gender Studies Scholar, University of Manitoba
Chapter 15
How Can One Be Persian in the Canadian Academy?
Nasrin Rahimieh, Humanist, McMaster University/University of California at Irvine
Chapter 16
The Paradoxes of Academic Administration
Mary Ellen Purkis, Nurse and Social Practice Theorist, University of Victoria
PART 4: Making Space: Calls to Open Paths
Chapter 17
Academic Activism and Nomadic Paths
Jamie Magnusson, Critical Theorist, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto
Chapter 18
Transforming the University from an Aboriginal Perspective
Jo-ann Archibald, Q'um Q'um Xiiem, University of British Columbia
Chapter 19
Engaging Race, Anti-racism, and Equity Issues in the Academy: A Personal Odyssey
George J. Sefa Dei, Social Anthropologist and Sociologist, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education/University of Toronto
Chapter 20
Feminists in Academe: From Outsiders to Insiders?
Joan Sangster, Historian, Trent University
Chapter 21
An Ode to Wisdom: Got, Don't Got, Borrowed, and Sought
Elizabeth (Bessa) Whitmore, Social Work Educator, Carleton University
Chapter 22
The University and Its Political Economy: An Academic Callings Interview
Joel Bakan, Legal Scholar, University of British Columbia
PART 5: Re/generating Publics: Calls to Collectivity
Chapter 23
Exploits in the Undercommons
Alison Hearn, Communications and Media Scholar, University of Western Ontario
Chapter 24
Academic Freedom, Institutional Autonomy, and the Co-operative University
Len Findlay, English Scholar, University of Saskatchewan
Chapter 25
The University Public And Its Enemies
Frank Cunningham, Philosopher, University of Toronto
Chapter 26
Reflections on Teaching and Learning
Margaret-Ann Armour, Chemist and Science Educator, University of Alberta
Chapter 27
Offside: Playing Hockey at the University of Saskatchewan
Glenis Joyce, Adult Educator, and Liz Quinlan, Sociologist, University of Saskatchewan
Chapter 28
Making the University Work for Communities
Barbara Neis, Sociologist, Memorial University of Newfoundland
Chapter 29
Chapter 29
Recovering the University as a Collective Project
Janice Newson, Sociologist, York University