Sociology of Occupations and Professions
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Sociology of Occupations and Professions

Sociology 3610.03 2007-2008


Janice Newson, Course Director.
Department of Sociology,
Faculty of Arts
2096 Vari Hall,
736-2100 Ext 77986

This course will familiarise students with sociological concepts and theories which will enable them to better understand the work cultures and work practices associated with a range of contemporary occupations and professions. It will focus on routine as well as unexpected conflicts that practitioners of these occupations and professions confront. We will use these conflicts to develop an analysis of the external and internal forces which help to shape these practitioners work lives as well as the contributions of their occupation or profession to society more generally.


  1. Freidson, Eliot (2001) The Third Logic. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Available from the York University Bookstore.
  2. A Reading Kit is available at the York Bookstore.
Additional reading materials may be added from time to time.


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by Susan Weinstein

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Janice Newson